Brett Rush

I’m Letting Go
(Words and Music by Brett Rush)

lettinggoI’m letting go… seems like such a simple thing to do.  Then why are so many of us letting yesterday rob of us today?

My wife, Dawn, and I wrote this song together to share some of our personal experience.  The principle of letting go applies to life on every level regardless of age or relationship status, but for us, the marriage relationship was where we needed to learn to let go to find healing.  It’s amazing what forgiveness can do for any relationship!

The hope and healing that some of you are waiting for is just an “I forgive you” away.

In Philippians 3:13 Paul said in his effort to follow Christ, “I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.”

A powerful truth… Yesterday is gone and today is a gift. Make the most of this day and everyday by learning to let go.  Don’t let the mistakes of yesterday keep you from living today. – Brett


The passion of singer, songwriter, and Pastor Brett Rush is evident in everything he does. Perhaps this explains his accomplishments for the Kingdom in such a short time. Find out more at