Jesus, Born On This Day

born_coverWhen I first heard this song years ago, I was struck by how simply, yet powerfully, it reflects the message of the gospels.  It portrays Christ as Lord and King but also as a gentle Savior who came to bring light to the darkness, to cover us in his grace, and to embrace us with his love.

The beauty of his love and gift of salvation is, as the angel proclaimed to the shepherds, that it is for all people. You. Me. Everyone.  It demands a response from each of us.

We have the choice to believe that God did indeed send his Son into this world to be our Savior, or we can reject the truths of his Word.  Once we acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord, what are we going to do with his message of salvation and hope for the future?  I choose to “sing of his love to everyone”.

Christmas always presents an opportunity to not only celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but also to reflect on seasons from the past.  As I decorate our tree each year, I turn into a sentimental mess as the ornaments that adorn the branches each tell a story.  Many were made by my grandma who is no longer with us or were given to me by my parents who passed on the tradition of giving ornaments each year.  There are some that my children made when they were just wee things.  Each one telling its own story.

And then there’s the music!  So many of the old Christmas songs bring such vivid memories of my childhood.  I can still see and hear the old vinyls that carried the sound of Blue Christmas and Snoopy’s Christmas throughout the house.  All it takes is a few notes to take me back to being a little girl again.  Precious memories that I’ll carry through my lifetime.

Credits: Produced by Eric Copeland for Creative Soul Records

Drums: Scott Williamson
Bass: Craig Nelson
Guitars: Mark Baldwin
Keyboards: Jason Webb
BGVS: Melody Kirkpatrick, Terry White
Strings: Jordan Shababy
Recorded by Steve Dady
Mixed by Eric Copeland
Mastered by Dave Davis

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